Wilding the Tame

DocileKnownSafeConstrainedHumanity plays the rolesA zoo of a worldWho are the zookeepers?Financial cagesMaterial treatsRelationship contractsFamily patternsThe environments that we feel as homeHaving forgotten where we are fromTrapped in familiarityPatternsJudgmentsFearsThoughtsSo many constraints to break throughCracks in the foundation releaseThe swirling life force of beingCopyright 2014, Cheryl-Dean Thompson, All rights reserved.

The Beauty of Shit

Your scent wafts pungently through the tranquil air Your gifts often unnoticed in the strength of your message So fully at the end of a meaningful phase of your life You ready with anticipation the robustness of new life forthcomingI thank you deeply for the part you play While the noses of some may turn […]


Moisture from my lips May you drink on your own Food I first give May you later findChild in my arms May you cradle another Stumbling steps held May you build bridgesAwakening eyes Gaze lovingly around First sensations Delight and astoundGifts of life Bestowed and endowed Moving in wonder Embraced in loveCopyright 2013, Cheryl-Dean Thompson, […]


I feel you Deep within me Your flame barely seen Yet burning incessantlyEndless ache Covering the pain Never effective Shouting at me in whispersTears well Shoulders drop Giving up Giving inSurrendering to the depths Never to return Embraced by darkness Dissolving to nothingnessFlames erupt Whirlwind spins From earthly ashes A tear is shedFiery ache to […]

Loving the Box

When I was young, I knew the wisdom So many presents showered on me and… I loved the boxCreativity Transformation Freedom FunAs I got older, I knew the knowledge The stuff inside the box was good I used the stuffLogic Efficiency Obedience PracticalityAt a job interview, I applauded the box I stayed inside and followed […]

It Doesn’t Work Like That

Ugh!  It isn’t going like it is supposed to be going! Rrrrrrrrr……. How come?Do you really want to know the answer? Because most people don’t. At least not yet. So… Do you really want to know?If you really want to know, I will spell out the small print first… The side effects…By knowing, you may […]

Inspire… air for fire

Burnishing coal in the night I feel your hidden warmth Calling across the ages Pulling me to your embraceSilently approaching Falling into darkness Surrendering to your power Sinking into nothingnessCrackling Undulating Sparking EnliveningWhisper of wind on my cheek Burning to the touch Fire licking the heart Catalyst of loveGentle breeze dances Heat spiraling Flames rhythmically […]


What was once shunned Is now embracedOur dirt and shame upturned May be tilledFruitless actions turn To foodNutrients and richness extracted Waste returnedThe whole of existence opening arms of love Transforming ongoingWith gratitude and love Thank youBlissCopyright 2012, Cheryl-Dean Thompson, All rights reserved.

Blue Moon

Rarity Sacred Profound PowerYour light radiates in mystery Additional light during darkness Gently guiding the way Dancing in the clear night skySpecial Lovely Infusing PlayfulCuriously exploring the moonbow Light saturated in the cellular darkness of air Sensual gentleness of life flow Nudging the tingling energy of loveAwake Paradox Constant GoneHonouring the visit Presence in the […]