Invitation to a Garden
Poem dedicated, with heartfelt wishes, to a graduating class (names removed)
A path appears where there was none before
Created with a fire of love, dedication, trust and honour – thank you L
A calla lily graces us at the side of the path
Blessing us with a delicate and gentle scent of nurturance and strength – thank you C
A vibrant sense of life and possibility infuses us
As our gaze embraces the lustrous wilderness – thank you H
A deep knowing of transformation blossoms from heart
As we observe and dance as free spirits on the earth and in the air – thank you J
The world sparkles as light dances through leaves
Lighting our way with love, peace and joy – thank you S
A sacred oak appears as we continue our journey
Filling our being with awe, gratitude, solidity and heart – thank you A
We come to a clearing, not knowing where to go
To be embraced with compassion, wisdom and guidance to a perfect glade – thank you J
In the glade the dance of life and love intoxicates us
And we are shown the beauty of the moments – thank you N
An inner fire of brilliance and care emanates from us
And nurtures the life around us – thank you T
In the space of warmth and love, we notice the gentle strength of a bear cross our path
We immediately feel calm, protected, accepted and cared for – thank you A
As we continue walking, we come to a beautiful field of flowers
Resting in the nectars of the space, our souls sing with delight – thank you H
We gaze at the wide, open, crisp blue sky
That dazzles us with its depth, clarity and mystery – thank you M
A serene peace and sense of honour flows through us
As we reflect on the natural beauty and sustaining energy of the world – thank you K
We feel supported and at home in the world
Knowing that all of our needs and cares will be met – thank you B
Planting our feet in the soil
We know the immense beauty of nature as a core truth – thank you T
Laughter bubbles up inside us
As our joy erupts and sings with the birds – thank you J
We revel in the life giving brightness of the sun
As our cells soak it up and dance in the glory – thank you C
Our enlightened cells radiate from within
And we move with truth, energy and a sense of freshness – thank you T
Curious and wanting to explore our inner terrain
We notice our inner blood flow and its magnificence and purpose – thank you K
Feeling re-inspired, we shift our focus and gaze into the trees
A deer invites us in with a sense of calm, softness and welcoming – thank you L
With joy in our hearts and an ease in our steps
We enter the forest to see what we can learn and share with the world – thank you J
The woods contain many paths that we skip and dance along
With a joie de vie we follow our hearts – thank you C
Desiring a rest, we sit on a moss carpeted rock
And soak up the splendor of the surrounding area into our memory – thank you K
A river gently splashes and flows beside us
And we gaze in wonder at the creative swirls of water and life – thank you M
Entrapped in our gaze, we are suddenly freed
By the brilliance and loveliness of a vibrant butterfly – thank you K
As our gaze follows the dancing butterfly
It leads us to wonder at the rich kaleidoscope of butterflies it joins – thank you T
A rich fire of resolve burns in our chests
As we fiercely commit to play and live fully – thank you V
A world of rich and vibrant possibilities unfolds for us
As we know that we have the full, free flowing, deep spirit to make anything manifest – thank you M
Feeling complete, we are startled by the beauty of a nearby cactus flower
That awakens our senses and we smile with pleasure – thank you K
Needing to move, we allow the seed of possibilities
To transform to movement as our soul runs through the wilderness – thank you C
Spent from our exertion, we collapse to the ground
To be nurtured and fed by the bountiful earth and the riches of nearby fruit – thank you S
The sweet fragrance of purple and white orchids
Has us raise our heads to enjoy the preciousness – thank you E
Our senses are heightened and we taste the air
Marveling at the complex simplicity of purity – thank you T
We feel enlivened as we come across a magnificent bird of paradise
Gracing us with beauty, strength and commitment – thank you M
Determined to fully live and honour ourselves with truth and compassion
We start to leave the wilderness to engage with all in this world – thank you T
With gratitude, a deep and soulful delicacy
We honour the pure present moment and bring ourselves into the world – thank you F
May you be blessed as all of the vibrant nature seems to come together
And is expressed beautifully through every cell of your bodies and your connected environment
Copyright 2011, Cheryl-Dean Thompson, All rights reserved.